Decorating your life with Feng Shui, Astrology & Intuition
Astrology- The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs.
Intuition-comprehension without effort of reasoning; instinctive knowledge
Decor-a plan or theme of decorative arrangement
IntuitiveDecor8 takes you on an intuitive adventure into Astrology
Loreena McKennitt-The Mystic's Dream
Let us take you on a journey...
What is divine connection? Angelic Inspirations...Some
call it God/Goddess, some may call it Spirit, Source,
Creator, others might not think about it at all.
Some, would like to ponder it, but, there are too
many other things to think about! Just try to pin
down the ever so busy, inquisitive, Gemini.
Some, may internalize it more seriously, think of the
brilliant mind of an Aquarius.
As long as there is some validity, stimulation and fun.
If it is interesting, and could possibly
save the world, it might intrigue them.
Do you believe with faith, intuition, or feelings, like
a dreamy eyed Pisces?
While searching for the answers to questions, an
adventurous Sagittarius just might discover, that
the answers we need are within us.
Maybe, we need others on the path, like the ever
so mysterious Scorpio and the naturally curious
cat Leo, to remind us that we are all searching for
the answers to our questions. Could the exciting
words and fiery passions of an Aries ignite some
questions for you? Do you ever wake up as the
sun is rising and gaze to the sun, sending your
thoughts or prayers to it?
What if in the evening as you marvel at the moon and
stars, you send your thoughts and prayers
out "there"? To the more practical and earthy clans,
like the down to earth Taurus and practical Virgo the
idea of the sun, moon and stars listening to them
is probably an interesting thought! If they have
an inquisitive, or more curious ascendant or moon,
they might have fun believing in it!
Well, why else have we been taught to make a wish
upon a star, is there something to it? To one
of the Venusian signs of the zodiac, namely,
Libra, the sun, moon and stars are a beautiful sight,
right? It is an appealing thought after all.
We might be able to bring even the most practical,
driven, conservative members of the zodiac to check
it out! If this astrology stuff could also involve the
word, money, success, oh, did I say money?
Dear, Capricorn.
Now, we know it doesn't take much to convince your
opposite sign Cancer, who just happens to be ruled
by the moon! Or does it?
In fact, maybe it is the moon children who are the
muses of astrology?
Astrology is a wonderful and informative way to
learn about yourself and those you care about. We
are all on this journey of life together, so, let's get
intu-it, astrologically!
An astrological report is a great way to begin your
journey into astrology! If you are wishing for a more
personal touch, an astrological reading is the way
to go! For more information on prices and what we
offer. Email or leave a voice message!
Thank you for the visit to our website!
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Shari Nicole~
We share some astrology with nature photos
No DM only serious questions contact us through our website. Thank YOU!
Welcome! AQUARIUS~
The Air sign ruled by Uranus~~~
AQUARIUS....It's your month in the sun!
Call us..
480-492-5488 for any questions.
Leave a message! OR EMAIL US intuitivedecor@gmail.com
Are you ready....?
Email Shari Nicole... for any questions. New stargazers are welcome>>>always...... east coast..north /south.. west coast... Hello? We love you all. Smooches!
Remember Mt. Graham
Can you say Lucifer. http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/what-the-devil-scientists-tap-power-of-lucifer/
Remember Mt. Graham FIRE?
Remember the Phoenix "LIGHTS"?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Lights
Fatima Prophecies http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000626_message-fatima_en.html
PAST ~ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/14/hawaii-clears-land-use-for-the-thirty-meter-telescope/
And the Wise Ones pray every morning immediately after rising,"Heavenly Father, may I during this day and until I again close my eyes in sleep, not be made the instrument of JUDGEMENT against any brother or sister of mine."
quote from...The hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah by Elias Gewurz
God used the stars as an illustration of His promise to give Abraham an innumerable seed (Genesis 15:5). Thus, every time Abraham looked up at the night sky, he had a reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. The final judgment of the earth will be accompanied by astronomical events relating to the stars (Isaiah 13:9-10; Joel 3:15; Matthew 26:29).
“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:9-10)
- Jesus Christ
***Music was"still working on music as a part of this website. You can adjust the volume at the bottom of the page.***Thank You! where did the music go?
Wondering as the curious KATS SO ARE WEEE> MEOW>
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